Sunday, July 29, 2012

so my kid is "special," what's your point?

My darling first born, a beautiful, energetic boy, was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder about a year ago.  The days are filled with trying to prevent/decrease behaviors, redirecting, sensory breaks, and just trying to maintain my sanity.  With two kids under 5, it seems like I am the only person in the entire world dealing with this.  Well, I should count it as me plus one.  Plus one. My wonderful husband got more than he ever bargained for.  With the diagnosis came something more real.  The realization that our first born son was not "normal." The ideas of simple games of baseball and playing make believe were replaced by unexplainable tantrums and some kind of aggressive play-ninja stunts that could only be compared to Bruce Lee.  Nope. Not us.  We were in for a ride of loud noises, over stimulation, too tight clothes, and hugs that would pop your head off.  It was love.  Love that would rise above it all.  The days of cleaning up his room and tears rolling down your face for the realization that was to come.  Therapy. IEP meetings.  Trying to explain to family and friends that you had to approach him just a little bit different.  At the end of the day, he is ours.  His beautiful mind and warm heart was given to us...just for a little while. 

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